Horses aren't my favorite thing to paint, but they need to be done. To help get through them as quickly as possible, I'm painting up all of the cavalry I have on: a box of Conquest Norman Cavalry and half a dozen Numidian Cavalry from Warlord. I'm trying out a few techniques, including following the guide described by David Imrie (of the Saxon Dog blog and Claymore Castings) in Wargames Soldiers & Strategy #66. I had all of the Vallejo paints described in the article and the short, sweet description is easy to follow. I'll probably do another batch of horses using my usual oil rub method to compare the effects.
I started listening to Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast again while working on the mounts, and happened to pick episode 41 - Thor's Angels, ostensibly about the Dark Ages, but actually covering everything from the first Celtic sacking of Rome all the way to the First Crusade. It was fitting batch painting Numidians and Normans while listening to the full sweep of history covered in Dan's podcast.
Also, you should check in on Tamsin's blog, Wargaming Girl. She's extremely prolific, cranking out armies in a very short time span and providing daily (or nearly so) updates regarding their progress. She's racked up over 100,000 hits to her site, and to celebrate she's giving away prizes every day for 5 days. Only two days in and she's setting up a drawing for a boxed set of Bolt Action Brits, and two gift certificates for GZG and Baccus. Great stuff, check it out! :)
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