I've been painting miniatures for a long time, but never paid much heed to the brushes I used. Paint, figures, even basing material and terrain all received my careful attention, but I became accustomed to picking up some cheap brushes from the local arts & craft store and replacing them once they lost their tip (typically within a month or two).
Last year I picked up an
Army Painter Brush Set
and was surprised at what a difference using a dedicated set of miniature painting brushes made. The Army Painter set included a "Standard Hobby Brush" which I assume is size 1, and a smaller "Hobby Detail Brush" (size 0?) and a flat tipped "Drybrush" brush. The Standard Hobby Brush became my work horse, with the Detail Brush helping out with facial highlights, edge highlights, piping and shield patterns. After a year of use (far better than my usual cheapy brushes) the Army Painter "Standard Brush" is kaput, its tip frayed and splayed. It's time for a replacement.
Coincidentally, Monty at
Twin Cities Gamer happened to mention how happy he was with his brushes. I was all set to pick up his favorites, a
Raphael Kolinsky Sable size 0
Raphael Kolinsky Sable size 1
when I read a comment to his post suggesting a
Winsor & Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Sable size 0
Winsor & Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Sable size 1
. I'd heard of Winsor & Newton from miniature painters before, but really hadn't put much thought or research into them.
So fellow painters, what do you recommend?
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